So being that tomorrow is my 1 month anniversary in Australia, I decided that it is beyond time for an update on the blog. Between all of the great people and the friendly environment I really don’t feel far away. It is the oddest thing. The only factor that is a huge reminder and potentially frustrating at time is the ridiculous time difference. When I want to talk to people and realize it is 2 AM at home that doesn’t work out so well. I have honestly felt SO at home since the moment I arrived. I deserve a big fat F as far as photography goes so far. I just honestly haven’t been taking photos. I don’t want it to be like when I lived in Mexico (i.e take things for granted, don’t take photos, then have nothing to show for it afterwards). Maybe I will just continue to write about how amazing everything is with NO documentation and see who believes me enough to come on over and visit ☺. So I took this photo especially for you. I opened our front door, walked about 15 steps across the street and took it. This is our front yard, also known as, Maroubra Beach. I LOVE OUR HOME. It is recently renovated, clean, funky, homey, it has character, and a garden, and the cutest sunroom to study in, AND I can hear the ocean when I lay in bed and take a shower, or do anything else for that matter. I've had a blast decorating it, nesting if you will. I have the main pieces and want to decorate the rest with funky market finds. There are multiple markets on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the city. Here is another fun fact about Sydney, if people don't want something they put it out in front of their home and it is free for the taking, its AWESOME. You can find purses, fans, rugs, chairs, pots and pans, laundry hampers, bookshelves, you name it, its there, and its FREE!! My flatmates are WONDERFUL! A sweet English couple, Phil and Belle. Phil will actually be in the same grad program as me (we didn’t know that when we met to talk about me moving in, pretty crazy huh?) and Belle is a primary school teacher. I couldn’t ask for more thoughtful flatmates, I am so grateful that I get to live with them.
My time in Sydney so far has been amazing. The transition could not have gone any smoother. There have been so many precious people that have made me feel SO welcome and at home. Nikki, Beks, Lisa, Nick, Phil, Belle, among many others, thank you for the phone calls, the coffee dates, the meals, the translations on vocab I didn’t understand, rides, teaching me bus routes, furniture, text messages, flowers, cards, and for constantly asking and caring how the adjustment is going and if there is any way I can help. You made this American girl feel right at home in Australia. I will be forever grateful to each of you and I am so excited to make more fun memories together, so stoked that its only the beginning!
Besides getting all moved in my time has been spent learning the area, enjoying the beach, getting my room set up/organized, volunteering with, applying for jobs, and enjoying time with my new friends whenever they aren’t working. There is a promising lead on the job front, it is an ideal position, but will take a couple weeks to play out. As torturous as that is, it is great that God continues to provide beyond my wildest imagination, yet also stretch me to be patient and wait on His timing.